What is EFT Tapping?
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT/ tapping) is a powerful, drug-free, non-invasive, easy-to-apply self-help method based on research showing that emotional trauma contributes greatly to disease and physical pain.
The approach uses parts of both Cognitive Behavior and Exposure therapies. Simply stated, it is a combination of talk therapy and an emotional version of acupuncture where needles aren’t necessary. Instead, while talking, you stimulate well-established energy meridian points on your body by tapping on them with your fingertips; percussion transmits a signal through the energy body.
Clinical trials of EFT have shown its’ gift of rapidly and effectively reducing or eliminating physical pain, the emotional discomfort of current events, memories and traumas, and triggers from previous incidents that cause emotional distress. This can also be used for imagined events as with stress disorders and constant worry or anxiety. The body often also releases its’ pain cycle and re-balances naturally; it heals itself at an accelerated pace when the distress has been reduced or eliminated.
In over 20 published clinical trials, EFT has proved effective for phobias, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, pain, and many other problems.*
EFT has produced remarkable results in relieving a number of emotional and physical conditions. – Sara Illig
EFT – The Basics Tapping Routine
Here are the tapping points to help get you started:

Emotional Abuse Summit Interview with
Sara illig, EFT Expert
Disclaimer: EFT provides impressive results for most people but there is no guarantee that it will achieve your goals or be an entirely painless process. It is not intended to diagnose, or provide medical advice of any nature or form, including treatment to cure any existing condition. Never discontinue prescription medications without consulting your physician or therapist.
While EFT has produced remarkable clinical results, it must still be considered to be in the experimental stage and thus the public must take complete responsibility for their use of it.
While I am not a licensed counselor, the life coaching and EFT service I provide is intended to educate and inspire you on your personal journey toward balance, optimal health and a greater sense of joy in your life.
Sara illig, LMT, MTI
EFT Expert, Meditation Teacher
Please consult your physician and or therapist regarding your use of EFT.NOTE: The EFT oriented section of this website is provided as a public courtesy to help expand the use of EFT in the world. This website represents the good faith ideas of its founders. The clinical EFT website can be found here: EFT Universe